Conservablogger applauds Phil Robertson's right and desire to speak his beliefs. Other's don't have to like it. I am offended by A&E's actions.
Conservablogger has yet to hear or read Robertson's exact remarks but one website reports it as follows:
In an interview with GQ's Drew Magary, the head of the family in the wildly popular A&E series expressed his view that homosexuality was immoral, likening it to bestiality. Some of the remarks were made using off-color language.
I just read the article linked to above. In it, Phil said nothing about bestiality. In fact, Phil spoke the truth. He said in essence that a woman's vagina has more to offer a man than another man's anus. He said he thinks homosexuality is not natural. Duh....
The tone of the article in question is clearly snarky, and written with a condescending attitude toward everything the Robertson's stand for. The writer is quick with foul language using G.D. and the F-bonb.
What do you think?