The purpose of this blog is to conseerve the values and ideals that this country (The USA) was founded on. You'll find political commentary here ranging from my disdain for porgressive liberalism to my love of the constitution. Frequent posts will expose factions that are fundamentally transforming America... Beginning with our president.
Conservablogger Power Quote
"...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security..." The Declaration of Independence
Friday, September 28, 2012
Administration Memo: No Bibles in Military Hospitals? I WILL NOT COMPLY!
From the Conservablogger inbox: This, under normal circumstances, would be unbelievable. But, after seeing and hearing the president shoring up the Muslim Brotherhood, mocking Christianity, and removing any mention of radical Islam from U.S. training manuals, this development fits a pattern.
Do your own homework on this. I haven't yet verified the validity of this claim. If true, this should give pause to ANY red-blooded American who believes in the Constitution.
"Who in America , of their right mind, would vote for Obama after they read this?" -Atheists and Muslims are two groups of people.-
"Obama must really want to be a one term president! The soldiers who wake up in Walter Reed Medical Center are in Maryland , not communist China. But,under the Navy's new rules, they may not know the difference!
After months of peeling away the military's core values, Obama's army is on the move. And this time, it has a high-value target: the Bible.
In a memo obtained by FRC, Navy officials have announced that "no religious items (including Bibles, reading material, and/or artifacts) are allowed to be given away, or used during a visit." The new orders are buried in a four-page document about patient care, which an Army officer forwarded to us in disbelief!
Effective immediately, families, friends, and even pastors, will have to check their beliefs at the door to visit one of the largest military hospitals in the United States. Last night, after we circulated the memo to leaders on the Hill, an outraged Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa)took to the House floor and blasted the policy!
"Mr. Speaker, these military men and women who are recovering at Walter Reed and Bethesda have given their all for America ! They've defended and taken an oath to the Constitution, and here they are. The people who come to visit them can't bring a religious artifact? They can't bring a Bible? ... A priest can't walk in with the Eucharist and offer communion to a patient who might be on their deathbed because it's prohibited in this memo from the Department of the Navy?"
This is Obama's military, where homosexuality is celebrated and Christianity is censored; where witches are financed and crosses are scorned; where bestiality is embraced and Bibles are banned; where same-sex "weddings" are encouraged but international charity is not!
After three years of ideological warfare, the Obama administration's intent is clear: to disarm the military of its biggest weapon...FAITH!
Regardless of Obama's agenda, there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that empowers the government to stop family members from giving Bibles or crosses to their loved ones!
And from a PR standpoint, I'm not sure the best way to boost approval ratings is by denying comfort to wounded warriors! Unfortunately for our troops, who have endured so much turmoil under the Obama administration, this is another blow!
Hopefully, with the help of Congressman King and others, it's only a temporary one.
Even liberal Snopes says it's true:
Thursday, September 27, 2012
New Anti-Obama Song: "Obama's Chair"
This should be a chart topper. The sad truth is it has been Obama's chair for far too long.
Share this with your friends.
Share this with your friends.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Muslim Brotherhood is Radical Islam in America
America, we need to clean house! There are radical Muslims dead set on their supremecy in the world and they are in our nation plotting to overthrow our nation.
Watch the following video:
History Democrats took from Blacks - Stolen History
Democrats - liberals - progressives - didn't just revise history, they took it from all of us. They've decided what has, and has not, been inserted into textbooks over the years and have filtered out important information that would change the course fo politics today.
Find out about the truth, then spread it far and wide.
Find out about the truth, then spread it far and wide.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Obama and the War on Women - video
You have to watch this entire monologue, expecially if you are a woman. There is a war on women, but not being led by the likes of Mit Romney. The truth is it's the left that is defining life for women whether they like it or not.
Just listen:
Conservablogger Comment:
Isn't it amazing how progressives divert attention from themselves to republicans? It is the same with the War on Poverty. The idea wasn't to lift blacks out of poverty, it was to increase their influence over a specific population. They broke up the black family, creating a class of government dependents.
With women, they are decreasing the power of their buying dollar, convincing them that their main concern should be birth control and abortion, and they say republicans want to end both.
They lie in both instances.
Just listen:
Conservablogger Comment:
Isn't it amazing how progressives divert attention from themselves to republicans? It is the same with the War on Poverty. The idea wasn't to lift blacks out of poverty, it was to increase their influence over a specific population. They broke up the black family, creating a class of government dependents.
With women, they are decreasing the power of their buying dollar, convincing them that their main concern should be birth control and abortion, and they say republicans want to end both.
They lie in both instances.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Incredible! Univision Grills Obama on Fast and Furious
Barack Hussein Obama is a liar.
The program under the Bush administration was Operation Wide Receiver - a "gun-tracing" (safeguards were implemented, the Mexican government was involved) program which ENDED IN 2007. There were no American casualties.
The Obama administration is responsible for Operation Fast and Furious. Two American citizens and hundreds of Mexicans are DEAD because of this administration.
The program implemented by this administration was a scheme to undermine the Second Amendment. A bunch of deaths would occur because of 'unscrupulous American gun shops', and something would have to be done! This is exactly what F & F was about and they can't make me believe it wasn't.
Think about it: A gun walking program with weapons that aren't tracked? They wanted the weapons in cartel hands and they wanted people to die. Check out this video of Obama being dishonest to Hispanics:
Obama's Cyber Security Executive Order almost Ready
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano revealed September 19 that an executive order granting the president sweeping power over the Internet is “close to completion.”
Testifying before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Napolitano said that the order is still “being drafted” and vetted by various high-level bureaucrats. But she also indicated that it would be issued as soon as a “few issues” were resolved. Assuming control of the nation’s Internet infrastructure is a DHS responsibility, Napolitano added.
“DHS is the Federal government’s lead agency for securing civilian government computer systems and works with our industry and Federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial government partners to secure critical infrastructure and information systems,” she informed senators... Read Full Article <--Link
Is it possible to strip Executive Order privileges from the president? Call it wishful thinking, but It sure would be nice if congress could stop his patent disregard for the constitution.
The Blaze asks LA Times about the Obama/Khalidi tape
The release of the hidden camera Mitt Romney video this week is reminding some conservative bloggers of a talked-about story four years ago, and they’re now asking if and when another potentially explosive videotape will see the light of day.
Thanks to The Blaze for bringing this up.
Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit writes:
Say, where’s that Obama/Khalidi tape? Why won’t the L.A.Times release it? Oh, who am I kidding? They won’t release it because it would make Obama look terrible. What other reason can there be?
The Daily Caller writes:
Speaking of secret tapes, remember Rashid Khalidi? The LA Times hopes you don’t.
Daily Pundit writes:
* So sure, I want to hear the “misssing” two minutes of the incomplete video. But you know what I’d really like to see? The video of Obama praising Rashid Khalidi to the skies currently being suppressed by the hack propagandists at the Los Angeles Times.
And the pro-Israel blogger Elder of Ziyon writes:
* By the way, since Romney’s leaked remarks are so newsworthy, when are we ever going to see the videotape of Obama’s 2003 remarks at the dinner honoring Rashid Khalidi? Why is one off-the-record video leaked and the other one purposefully buried by the media? What is the line between good journalism and partisanship?
TheBlaze thought those were good questions too, so they contacted the Los Angeles Times to find out if their position – refusing since 2008 to publish the Obama/Khalidi video – has changed on the matter.
First, some background. In April 2008, as the presidential campaign was getting underway, Peter Wallsten of the Los Angeles Times published a story describing the going-away party for Professor Rashid Khalidi, a devoted advocate to the Palestinian cause and a harsh critic of Israel, who was on his way to a position at Columbia University. Khalidi was also a past spokesman for the PLO. The dinner occurred in 2003, when Barack Obama was then an Illinois state senator. Wallsten wrote:
* A special tribute came from Khalidi’s friend<--LINKand frequent dinner companion, the young state Sen. Barack Obama. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reminisced about meals prepared by Khalidi’s wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been “consistent reminders to me of my ownblind spots and my own biases. . . . It‘s for that reason that I’m hoping that, for many years to come, wecontinue that conversation — a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid’s dinner table,“ but around ”this entire world.”
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Obama Collectivist - Obama vision of a Communist America
It's no wonder that Obama (the great orator) had such a difficult time repeating his oath of office when he was sworn in almost 4 years ago. Given his prooven ideology and numerous statements, he had no intention of supporting and defending the Constitution.
This president has no respect for our governing document and believes the government should be all powerful at the expense of the people. His view of our nation, and yes, his plan for our nation is to bring us all in line; submissive to a central government and answering to no one.
Watch this video of Andrew Wilkow as he breaks down Obama's ideology - in Obama's own words.
You can watch Wilkow's entire shows each night at the Blaze Tv - . You can subscribe for a 2 week free trial. There is other great programming there. I also like, "Real News from the Blaze. Those folks are so smart and experienced and don't peddle garbage for news. They are smart and they speak to us like we are smart too. They don't baby their audience with nonsense like MSM.
This president has no respect for our governing document and believes the government should be all powerful at the expense of the people. His view of our nation, and yes, his plan for our nation is to bring us all in line; submissive to a central government and answering to no one.
Watch this video of Andrew Wilkow as he breaks down Obama's ideology - in Obama's own words.
You can watch Wilkow's entire shows each night at the Blaze Tv - . You can subscribe for a 2 week free trial. There is other great programming there. I also like, "Real News from the Blaze. Those folks are so smart and experienced and don't peddle garbage for news. They are smart and they speak to us like we are smart too. They don't baby their audience with nonsense like MSM.
MSM Selling out America - are Advertisers Losing Viewers too?
Am I alone? Am I the only American out here who no longer believes anything mainstream news reports?
We've heard in just the past year NBC reporting doctored audio tapes, we've heard mainstream reporters engage in pre-interview coordination, not designed to get the truth, but to set a specific negative narrative.
They seldom ask Obama serious questions, and they never press him for real answers.
In my opinion, mainstream is so far in the tank with liberal bull-crap and Obama, that I sincerely despise them. When I inadvertently land on one of the big three networks and catch myself listening to biased bull-crap-that-passes-for-reporting, I change the channel feeling ill.
So, am I alone? Am I in a super subset of few Americans that takes deliberate action to avoid the bull-crap of mainstream news?
I have found a few internet sites that report real news. Here are a few:
Yes, they lean conservative but they aren't engaged in the propagation of the biggest hoax ever played on the American people, Barak Obama. That role is being played by MSM..
Having said all this, I do switch the channel to our local MSM affiliate for my local news. Unfortunately, I've been noticing a lot more national stories (propaganda) getting piped in to my local 30 minutes.
The advertisers supporting these MSM news sites must not be concerned with viewers (like me) who are turning them off.
I think it would be a wise idea for advertisers to consider switching to some prominent nontraditional media outlets. Don't you?
We've heard in just the past year NBC reporting doctored audio tapes, we've heard mainstream reporters engage in pre-interview coordination, not designed to get the truth, but to set a specific negative narrative.
They seldom ask Obama serious questions, and they never press him for real answers.
In my opinion, mainstream is so far in the tank with liberal bull-crap and Obama, that I sincerely despise them. When I inadvertently land on one of the big three networks and catch myself listening to biased bull-crap-that-passes-for-reporting, I change the channel feeling ill.
So, am I alone? Am I in a super subset of few Americans that takes deliberate action to avoid the bull-crap of mainstream news?
I have found a few internet sites that report real news. Here are a few:
Yes, they lean conservative but they aren't engaged in the propagation of the biggest hoax ever played on the American people, Barak Obama. That role is being played by MSM..
Having said all this, I do switch the channel to our local MSM affiliate for my local news. Unfortunately, I've been noticing a lot more national stories (propaganda) getting piped in to my local 30 minutes.
The advertisers supporting these MSM news sites must not be concerned with viewers (like me) who are turning them off.
I think it would be a wise idea for advertisers to consider switching to some prominent nontraditional media outlets. Don't you?
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Romney's Secret fundraising Video (Complete version) Shows Grasp on Issues
I found nothing wrong with Romney's remarks in this video except the notion that people receiving government assistance will only vote for Obama.
I understand he's not targeting his campaign to people who are living off the government. He's targeting his campaign on the producers of the nation. This is an effeciency thing.
He's actually demonstrating his ability to prioritize his resources. This is a good quality for a President, don't you think?
Listen to the video:
I understand he's not targeting his campaign to people who are living off the government. He's targeting his campaign on the producers of the nation. This is an effeciency thing.
He's actually demonstrating his ability to prioritize his resources. This is a good quality for a President, don't you think?
Listen to the video:
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Team Obama email Mischaracterizes Romney Statement - 8/18/12
The following arrived to my inbox this evening and I wanted to share what Stephanie Cutter, Barak Obama's Deputy Campaign Manager, is telling her cam's supporters, and potential donors.
What The email leaves out, though, is everything.
For example, the campaign email doesn't explain how the poverty level has risen over the past 4 years.
It doesn't explain how the policies of Obama are leading up to global economic collapse, and the potential of a major world war thanks to his ineptness at foreign policy!
Stephanie cutter prefers telling her supporters about who Romney thinks are pretty much off the table in his campaign. He, in my opinion, was talking about who he is going to focus his campaign on, and who he isn't.
This doesn't mean he doesn't care about the poor and elderly. In fact, I've seen evidence to the contrary. (CLICK HERE TO SEE AND HEAR SOME EVIDENCE FOR YOURSELF) <--LINK He cares very deeply for them.
Something I do question is Romney's belief that no folks depending on government assistance (like me) will vote for him. Many probably won't, but lots will.
I don't mind if cuts are made to my disability if the health of our Republic is the goal and responsible decisions are made. I can't be alone in my thinking.
Something has to give. We all know it.
The gravy train is going to end; one way or another this ride is going to break down. Romney is our best hope to get this ship turned around.
With Soros' and Obama's managed decline of the dollar and our economy, we'll all be needy when they are through. And, our Republic will be chalked up in the history books as just another imploded republic.
I didn't include the links, so here's the email (link free):
Yesterday, a leaked video from a closed-door fundraiser showed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney telling a room full of big-money donors that Americans who don't support him think they're "victims" who don't "take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
So rarely over the course of this campaign have we gotten to hear Mitt Romney say what he believes in such a revealing, unfiltered manner. This is one of those moments. It's important that we make sure that the people in our lives who are just tuning into this election know what disdain and contempt Romney has for half of the citizens of this nation he wants to lead. Take a look at the items in this tipsheet, and then share them with others.
#1 What Americans think of Romney's comments
The secret video shows that Romney believes nearly half of all Americans won't take responsibility for their own lives and don't pay taxes. Watch this video of Americans listening and reacting to Romney's shocking comments, and make sure others do too:
#2 Who Romney is writing off?
It's worth taking a second to look at some of the people who make up the nearly half of the country that Romney has so much disdain for. Who exactly are these people that Romney rips for not paying income taxes? The overwhelming majority are seniors, students, people with disabilities, or working families. They pay payroll taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and more. Those working families include U.S. soldiers in combat, receptionists, firefighters, and clergy, just to name a few. Certainly, those folks aren't short on personal responsibility. Read this blog post highlighting some of the Americans that Romney has written off, and share it with others:
#3 Romney's responsibility map
Romney has said that "my job is not to worry about" the people who don't support him. But America needs a president who will stand up for all Americans, not just the half of the country who agrees with him. Take a look at this graphic about Romney's idea of "responsibility" and post it to your Facebook wall.
Stephanie Cutter
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America
P.S. -- Another way to fight back against Romney and his divisive politics is to chip in and help fund our grassroots campaign. Romney has big-money donors at closed-door fundraisers, President Obama has you. Chip in $25 or more today.
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Blind Sheikh to be Released - Main Goal of Islamic Attacks on Embassy
UPDATE TO THE BELOW STORY: The Blaze received a response from the Justice Department regarding the notion that the Blind sheikh may be released by "the Justice Department", saying it is "garbage".
The Justice Department also said the Blind sheikh was serving a life sentence in federal custody.
Beck's on-air reply to the Justice department was, when the State Department, and the President comes out strongly denying this notion he'll be satisfied. It was the State Department that Beck's sources pointed too, not the Justice Department.
The justice Department is known for playing with language. Beck said the "State Department" is negotiating the Asshole's release. I say Asshole because I'm tired of typing "Sheikh".
Nobody accused the Justice Department of negotiating the dude's release. So, not until the State Department comes out and answers the question will we have a credible answer.
Furthermore, the Justice department has shown it will lie its ass off, with 'Fast and Furious' being the number one example.
Read my original post below:
According to Glenn Beck's "good authority", the U.S. State Department is in talks with Egypt's President Morsi, of the Muslim Brotherhood, who says in effect, he can make the protests stop if we release the mastermind behind the '93 world trade center bombing (the asshole known as the Blind Sheikh).
Reports say this custody transfer will happen, but not until after the election.
I find this notion to be very credible.
We better stand fast. We are being set up. Morsi's request of getting the blind sheikh is only one request. Another request of Morsi, or demand of Morsi, is we have a law passed to strip Americans from speaking against Islam and the Muslim faith.
On what you know of Obama's treatment of the Constitution, how do you think he would treat this second demand? Knowing the crappy video being blamed for the uprising is bull-crap - is a lie - it is being used by the administration to 1. Provide cover for Obama's crappy foreign policy, and 2. To give reason for cracking down on free speech.
America, you better wake up before it's too laate.
Talk to your friends and neighbors and relatives. Tell them what's going on.
Tell congress to Stop Obama's Coal -Killing Policy: Sign the Petition
The following email has a link to the site where you can sign a petition and individually send your representatives a letter telling them to wtop obama's plans. With one click email all your reps! It's easy as it can be.
From the Conservablogger INBOX:
Obama told us his disastrous plan for the coal industry and affordable electricity. "If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them," Obama said in 2008. "Electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket," he added.
First he tried a massive cap-and-trade plan. It failed. The day after the 2010 landslide election, he said: "Cap-and-trade was just one way of skinning the cat." Now he's abusing regulatory power to accomplish the same deeply destructive goal of bankrupting coal.
The House will vote THIS WEEK on a bill to STOP Obama's War on Coal. Please click here now to urge the House to VOTE YES and to urge the Senate to allow a vote on the bill.<--LINK
Obama is determined to destroy the coal industry. We cannot afford to let him succeed. Please take action now to urge Congress to stand up to him. If they fail to do so, we simply must elect a new Congress that is up to the task.
Thank you for taking action to stop Obama's War on Coal.
Yours truly,
Phil Kerpen
P.S. The entire outcome of the elections could hinge on turnout in coal areas of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. This story must be told. Please share our War on Coal action page by forwarding this email and using the share buttons on our War on Coal site. Thanks!
Allen West Slams Ambassador Susan Rice's Asinine Mideast 'Video Cause Claim' on Judge Jeanine Pirro - 9/16/12
Allen West gets it right when he comments about the Ambassador and the Media. MSM is spreading this ridiculous narrative that the video caused this violence. This is a ruse.
The Obama administration NEEDS this narrative for two reasons.
Reason 1: If America is pointing the finger at this idiotic film, they aren't pointing thir finger at him.
Reason 2: It's a powerful lever he can use to pry away freedom of speech. I think this second reason is the most salivating for Obama. He won't come out and say it outright, but I think he might do something like get his communications czar, or some other department technocrat circumvent the will of the people and the constitution through regulation.
The Obama administration NEEDS this narrative for two reasons.
Reason 1: If America is pointing the finger at this idiotic film, they aren't pointing thir finger at him.
Reason 2: It's a powerful lever he can use to pry away freedom of speech. I think this second reason is the most salivating for Obama. He won't come out and say it outright, but I think he might do something like get his communications czar, or some other department technocrat circumvent the will of the people and the constitution through regulation.
Report: Obama Uses Mideast Chaos To Attack Our Constitutional Rights
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. The framers of our Constitution knew that power lay within those allowed to define (and restrict) such things as “evil”. Thus, the first stone cemented in the fortress of our Bill of Rights safeguarded against those who would abuse that power. Freshly removed from the oppression of a ruling elite rationing liberty through a prejudiced and punishing fist, Americans were returned their God-given right to hear, see, and speak under their own free will. The First Amendment gives us the freedom to speak and debate and determine for ourselves what defines evil. We do not let evil define itself to us.
Islamic Outrage Against America’s Freedom of Speech
On September 11, 2012 violent Islamists stormed the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, removed our American flag, torched it, and replaced it with their own black flag of Islam.
U.S. Embassy Denounces America’s Right of Free Speech…White House Is Silent
The response from the Obama administration was to let the U.S. Embassy denounce, to the entire planet, our First Amendment right of Free Speech.
Read the rest of the Gateway Pundit report - CLICK HERE!
Islamic Outrage Against America’s Freedom of Speech
On September 11, 2012 violent Islamists stormed the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, removed our American flag, torched it, and replaced it with their own black flag of Islam.
U.S. Embassy Denounces America’s Right of Free Speech…White House Is Silent
The response from the Obama administration was to let the U.S. Embassy denounce, to the entire planet, our First Amendment right of Free Speech.
Read the rest of the Gateway Pundit report - CLICK HERE!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Obama Ad Targets young and dumb with Obama hype
I couldn't stomach watching the whole video. If you think the title of this post is off the mark, let me know.
What accomplishments are touted in this video?
What accomplishments are touted in this video?
Breaking News! Unbelievable Dirt on Mit Romney - Must see to Believe
Wait until you hear what Romney did in the following interviews:
Why is the media down on Romney's Libya Response? He Asserted Free Speech Right
Okay, I know this sounds counter-intuitive.
The media doesn't get it, but when Romney stood by the First Amendment and the Constitution in a press conference, it ticked off Obama. I'm sure of it.
What better for Obama than to have our free-speech right (rather than his policies) get the blame for these major international incidences?
Right? Jay Carney came out today repeating, "It's the video that caused it". The Muslim-Islamic wacos (Muslim Brotherhood) demanding our government shut down negative speech against Muhammad, Allah and Islam would also mean free speech could as a Constitutional right could be shut down altogether.
Obama would love to have everything we say and do monitored and approved-disapproved. Given who Obama has been associated with in his past and where he went to school as a child, I really wonder how Obama feels about our free speech right.
What about other governmental organizations? George Soros and the European Union, for example? Do you think globalists are for, or against our citizens keeping our free speech rights?
When Mit Romney came out reinforcing and asserting the First Amendment and our Constitution, I think it ticked off the Globalists. And, make no mistake, the people who invented Obama are globalists.
They hate free speech. They hate that we can freely exchange ideas on the internet and in other media. This is why I suspect the video is a manufactured tool of our government.
I could be wrong on this, but watch how the Obama administration and the Islamic extremists act in concert to weaken our free speech rights.
The media doesn't get it, but when Romney stood by the First Amendment and the Constitution in a press conference, it ticked off Obama. I'm sure of it.
Right? Jay Carney came out today repeating, "It's the video that caused it". The Muslim-Islamic wacos (Muslim Brotherhood) demanding our government shut down negative speech against Muhammad, Allah and Islam would also mean free speech could as a Constitutional right could be shut down altogether.
Obama would love to have everything we say and do monitored and approved-disapproved. Given who Obama has been associated with in his past and where he went to school as a child, I really wonder how Obama feels about our free speech right.
What about other governmental organizations? George Soros and the European Union, for example? Do you think globalists are for, or against our citizens keeping our free speech rights?
When Mit Romney came out reinforcing and asserting the First Amendment and our Constitution, I think it ticked off the Globalists. And, make no mistake, the people who invented Obama are globalists.
They hate free speech. They hate that we can freely exchange ideas on the internet and in other media. This is why I suspect the video is a manufactured tool of our government.
I could be wrong on this, but watch how the Obama administration and the Islamic extremists act in concert to weaken our free speech rights.
Medeite Article, Obama’s Horrible, Gaffe-Laden Week Goes Unreported
Yes, Noah Rothman's title gets it right as does the entire text of the article! America has to know the truth about the incompetence of Barak Obama's foreign policy. Obama is a disaster to our national security, in my opinion.
Romney would be a much better president.
From the Article:
"The United States and President Barack Obama have suffered a pretty bad week, but for varying reasons. The U.S. was dealt a heavy blow Tuesday when the American Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, was brutally murdered in a coordinated attack on a consulate in Benghazi. But the focus of most of the press has, to their disgrace, been on the appropriateness of the timing of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s attacks on the president over this incident. In the space of the last 24 hours, however, the president has committed two offenses against both etiquette and policy that should be reported on extensively."
Romney would be a much better president.
From the Article:
"The United States and President Barack Obama have suffered a pretty bad week, but for varying reasons. The U.S. was dealt a heavy blow Tuesday when the American Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, was brutally murdered in a coordinated attack on a consulate in Benghazi. But the focus of most of the press has, to their disgrace, been on the appropriateness of the timing of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s attacks on the president over this incident. In the space of the last 24 hours, however, the president has committed two offenses against both etiquette and policy that should be reported on extensively."
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Video - Obama is NOT a Friend of Israel, but The American People Are
In this video, Beck interviews an Israeli Official, Danny Dannon about recent events in the middle east. The relationship between the USA and Israel is discussed. This is an important interview.
Dannon states that Obama is not a friend to Israel and cites some reasons for that belief.
Dannon states that Obama is not a friend to Israel and cites some reasons for that belief.
Radical Islam Agenda - How they Manipulate the Nations
Let me tell you, You won't get this informed watching any of the mainstream news stations.
This is the most intelligent discussion of the events taking place in Egypt and Libya and other middle east nations.
You must see this!
This is the most intelligent discussion of the events taking place in Egypt and Libya and other middle east nations.
You must see this!
Do you think D.C. Could Learn a thing or Two from Walmart?
Have you ever wondered about the leadership of the Walmart corporation compared to the leadership of our government? Check out the following piece that found its way to my inbox:
-Author Unknown-
Wal-Mart vs. The Morons
1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every hour of every day.
2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!
3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.
4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.
5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world's largest private employer, and most speak English.
6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.
7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only fifteen years.
8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.
9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.
10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago.
11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)
12. 90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart.
You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to fix the economy.
This should be read and understood by all Americans… Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE!!
To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature
It is now official that the majority of you are corrupt morons:
a.. The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years
to get it right and it is broke.
b.. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it
right and it is broke.
c.. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right
and it is broke.
d.. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right;
$1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the
poor" and they only want more.
e.. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years
to get it right and they are broke.
f.. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right
and it is broke.
g.. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence
on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion
a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right
and it is an abysmal failure.
You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our
throats while overspending our tax dollars.
Folks, keep this circulating. It is very well stated. Maybe it will end up in the e-mails of some of our "duly elected' (they never read anything) and their staff will clue them in on how Americans feel.
I know what's wrong. We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country!!!!!!
We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.,???????????
In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , and Turkey..And now Pakistan ........previous home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!
Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks…
AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' meds, and mentally ill without treatment -etc,etc.
Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries. Sad isn't it?
99% of people won't have the guts to forward this.
I'm one of the 1% -- I Just Did"
Have you ever wondered about the leadership of the Walmart corporation compared to the leadership of our government? Check out the following piece that found its way to my inbox:
-Author Unknown-
Wal-Mart vs. The Morons
1. Americans spend $36,000,000 at Wal-Mart Every hour of every day.
2. This works out to $20,928 profit every minute!
3. Wal-Mart will sell more from January 1 to St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) than Target sells all year.
4. Wal-Mart is bigger than Home Depot + Kroger + Target +Sears + Costco + K-Mart combined.
5. Wal-Mart employs 1.6 million people, is the world's largest private employer, and most speak English.
6. Wal-Mart is the largest company in the history of the world.
7. Wal-Mart now sells more food than Kroger and Safeway combined, and keep in mind they did this in only fifteen years.
8. During this same period, 31 big supermarket chains sought bankruptcy.
9. Wal-Mart now sells more food than any other store in the world.
10. Wal-Mart has approx 3,900 stores in the USA of which 1,906 are Super Centers; this is 1,000 more than it had five years ago.
11. This year 7.2 billion different purchasing experiences will occur at Wal-Mart stores. (Earth's population is approximately 6.5 Billion.)
12. 90% of all Americans live within fifteen miles of a Wal-Mart.
You may think that I am complaining, but I am really laying the ground work for suggesting that MAYBE we should hire the guys who run Wal-Mart to fix the economy.
This should be read and understood by all Americans… Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE!!
To President Obama and all 535 voting members of the Legislature
It is now official that the majority of you are corrupt morons:
a.. The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years
to get it right and it is broke.
b.. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it
right and it is broke.
c.. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right
and it is broke.
d.. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right;
$1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the
poor" and they only want more.
e.. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years
to get it right and they are broke.
f.. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right
and it is broke.
g.. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence
on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion
a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right
and it is an abysmal failure.
You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our
throats while overspending our tax dollars.
Folks, keep this circulating. It is very well stated. Maybe it will end up in the e-mails of some of our "duly elected' (they never read anything) and their staff will clue them in on how Americans feel.
I know what's wrong. We have lost our minds to "Political Correctness" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone please tell me what the HELL's wrong with all the people that run this country!!!!!!
We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.,???????????
In the last months we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , and Turkey..And now Pakistan ........previous home of bin Laden. Literally, BILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!
Our retired seniors living on a 'fixed income' receive no aid nor do they get any breaks…
AMERICA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed hungry, elderly going without 'needed' meds, and mentally ill without treatment -etc,etc.
Imagine if the *GOVERNMENT* gave 'US' the same support they give to other countries. Sad isn't it?
99% of people won't have the guts to forward this.
I'm one of the 1% -- I Just Did"
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Obama’s DOJ Grants ATF New Gun Grab Authority
CLICK HERE to read the full article. <--Link
Conservablogger Comment:
Tim Brown maks a terriffic point at the end of the article about the abuses of power at the Justice department and attourney general Eric Holder. He has demonstrated his willingness to usurpt our constitution using a bogus gun walking scheme that resulted in the deaths of hundreds.
I believe Eric Holder and others in this administration colluded on an attempt to undermine the Constitution's Second Amendment.
In case you missed this: John Sununu gives MsNBC's Andrea Mitchel a Shilacking - Laughs at her
If you didn't see this and you need a good laugh, watch this video.
Do these people ever get tired of making fools of themselves in front of millions?
Mitchel has failed miserably to get her skewed facts across to the public as she interviews New Hampshire Governor John Sununu.
Perhaps next time she needs to take on someone less equipped to rip her to shreds over facts she wants to skew.
Do these people ever get tired of making fools of themselves in front of millions?
Mitchel has failed miserably to get her skewed facts across to the public as she interviews New Hampshire Governor John Sununu.
Perhaps next time she needs to take on someone less equipped to rip her to shreds over facts she wants to skew.
( UNBELIEVABLE AUDIO) Reporters Coordinate Attack on Romney Prior to Press Conference Condemning Violence Against Americans
They want as of substance as possible coming from the mouth of Romney making it to news papers and broadcasts. They want to start and reinforce the narrative that Romney shouldn't have commented on these matters in the first place. They are doing Obama's bidding.
They call themselves journalists? I call them despicable bastards! Yes, I said bastards! Here they go making me dislike MSM even more than I already did.
Before Romney issued his statement today, an open mic captured the press coordinating questions to ask Romney, with one saying “no matter who he calls on we’re covered on the one question”. I’ve transcribed it to the best of my ability but the audio is below for verification:
I’ve labeled one as the CBS News reporter as I believe it is Nancy Cordes who works for CBS News. If I’ve gotten that wrong I apologize and will correct.
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: …pointing out that the Republicans… *unintelligible* …Obama….
CBS REPORTER: That’s the question.
CBS REPORTER: Yeah that’s the question. I would just say do you regret your question.
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Your question? Your statement?
CBS REPORTER: I mean your statement. Not even the tone, because then he can go off on…
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And then if he does, if we can just follow up and say ‘but this morning your answer is continuing to sound…’ – *becomes unintelligble*
CBS REPORTER: You can’t say that..
CBS REPORTER: I’m just trying to make sure that we’re just talking about, no matter who he calls on we’re covered on the one question.
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you stand by your statement or regret your statement?
Below is the Press conference where the coordinated attack took place. Romney fielded the questions beautifully.
Video: Romney Answers Questions about Criticizing Obama's Libya Response
This is the complete press conference. Romney looked and sounded much more presidential than our current president sounds. He was treated by the media the way Presidents should be treated.
You certainly don't hear the press going after Obama like they are to Romney in this video. This illustrates the media bias that's out there.
Still, Romney doesn't back down, and I like that.
You certainly don't hear the press going after Obama like they are to Romney in this video. This illustrates the media bias that's out there.
Still, Romney doesn't back down, and I like that.
Watch the ANTI-MUHAMMED Video that is said to have Sparked the Latest Middle East Temper Tantrum
Rush Limbaugh says the notion that this video sparked the protest that led to our Libian Ambassador getting murdered is nonsense.
Given the anniversary of 9/11, and the chanting of the murdering protesters, 'there are a million Osamas, Obama' seems to lend weight to Limbaugh's judgement. Doesn't it?
Limbaugh also noted the U.S. media sending the message to Mit Romney (because Romney's response was quicker and more meaningful than Obama's) should shut up - there is only one president and it ain't Romney.
Limbaugh pointed to the media's characterization of Romney's Poland visit as one gaff after another as an example of the media bias. How sad it would be for Obama if Romney acted and sounded more Presidential than the imposer who is holding the seat now.
Given the anniversary of 9/11, and the chanting of the murdering protesters, 'there are a million Osamas, Obama' seems to lend weight to Limbaugh's judgement. Doesn't it?
Limbaugh also noted the U.S. media sending the message to Mit Romney (because Romney's response was quicker and more meaningful than Obama's) should shut up - there is only one president and it ain't Romney.
Limbaugh pointed to the media's characterization of Romney's Poland visit as one gaff after another as an example of the media bias. How sad it would be for Obama if Romney acted and sounded more Presidential than the imposer who is holding the seat now.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Read the full Breitbart Article by clicking HERE! <---LINK
Conservablogger Comment:
Now this is a shocker. Imagine the racism it takes to link the Obama administration with crony capitalism. Crony capitalism in the Obama administration? Preposterous!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
VIDEO - FAA Employees Told to Vote Obama or Lose Jobs
The speaker in the video suggest that any misconduct should be brought to the Justice Department.
Ha! That's a good one.
Ha! That's a good one.
Obama Pulls a Biden in "Three Proud Words" Gaff
What's the deal with the Obama administration? Soon, from behind a bright light, they'll make us agree that 2+2=5.
Obama unexpectedly Asked about His Kill List - VIDEO
Can you believe it? Somebody actually asked the president a REAL question. Somebody give that reporter, Ben Swann, a prize.
A local Ohio reporter grilled President Obama forcefully about his controversial so-called "kill list" on Tuesday. Obama has been making an aggressive effort to speak to local reporters during the 2012 campaign, and Ben Swann, a reporter for Fox 19 in Cincinnati, used some of his minutes to press him about the list, which has the names of people who the administration has selected for targeted drone strikes.
Below, the President's Press Secretary unbelievably stonewalls questions about the constitutionality and circumstances of the killing of The American Anwar al-Awlaki.
Below is a Ben Swann 'Reality Check' report on the President's kill list of citizens without due process.
A local Ohio reporter grilled President Obama forcefully about his controversial so-called "kill list" on Tuesday. Obama has been making an aggressive effort to speak to local reporters during the 2012 campaign, and Ben Swann, a reporter for Fox 19 in Cincinnati, used some of his minutes to press him about the list, which has the names of people who the administration has selected for targeted drone strikes.
Below, the President's Press Secretary unbelievably stonewalls questions about the constitutionality and circumstances of the killing of The American Anwar al-Awlaki.
Below is a Ben Swann 'Reality Check' report on the President's kill list of citizens without due process.
Friday, September 7, 2012
November's Vote Counting Outsourced to Spain! WARNING!!!
This news stinks to high heavens, as my dad would say if he were still alive.
There has been a news black-out of an unprecedented action taken by the President to export the voting ballots to a foreign country to be counted there during November’s Presidential elections.
This sort of disregard for the Rule of Law will corrupt the United States electoral process by handing it over to a foreign national entity that has no loyalty to the Constitution, the Rule of Law or the American people.
And where are the Republicans?

The news of this directive is being concealed and minimized by the entire news media cabal, barring the American people from realizing the dangerous and unlawful implications of this Administration's actions.
This sort of disregard for the Rule of Law will corrupt the United States electoral process by handing it over to a foreign national entity that has no loyalty to the Constitution, the Rule of Law or the American people.
Need we be reminded of one in history who held no loyalties to the the law or the people?
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing.Those who count the votes decide everything” Joseph Stalin
This information and the Administration actions are being shamelessly minimized and suppressed from the bought-and-paid-for, Main Stream News Medias.
And where are the Republicans?
Please, ask yourself, why aren’t they screaming bloody murder if they disagree so much with the Democrats? I’ll give you the answer but it might not be the answer that you like.
The Republican’s too are just as guilty and complicit. Both political parties are answerable to the foreign bankers, the private corporation of the Federal Reserve, the giant mega corporations and the United Nations.
Mitt Romney is just a show piece, a sacrificial lamb, just like John McCain was, to predictably lose to the
hand-picked figure head of Barack Obama.
Freedom of the Press is not a reality but is instead freedom from the Press and free speech, because the American people are purposefully not being provided with the information that would help to preserve America’s liberties.
Please let what is being communicated here as well as the News Story that follows, have an opportunity to really sink in - America’s voting ballots in 26 States will be counted this November in Barcelona Spain.
The Obama Administration has awarded this responsibility to the SCYTL Company that many believe to be owned by Barack Obama’s friend, comrade and left wing socialist’s activist billionaire, George Soros.
This could change the face of our electoral process forever and relegate any semblance of our voting laws and accountability to the ash heap of extraordinary political corruption and betrayal.
If we cannot rely upon the integrity of our elections then we certainly can rely upon historical evidence - that America will be ordered by its new rulers to accept with gratefulness and adulation, the tyranny and fascism that will be forced upon the entire population.
Think about it !
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing.Those who count the votes decide everything” Joseph Stalin
ed greer
April 15, 2012
2012 US Presidential election votes will be counted in Spain! Electronic voting machines, used in US elections, have repeatedly been shown by experts to be prone to fraud. "When the Spanish online voting company SCYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election.
For SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SCYTL in January, supplies the election software which records, counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states 900 total jurisdictions across the nation."
1 The fact that the same company will have first count on all votes made in 14 US states and hundreds of jurisdictions in 12 others, and the stage is set for election fraud on a scale unimaginable just a decade ago.
SCYTL self-proclaimed the security of its systems, but when the machines were used in the District of Columbia, the University of Michigan fight song "The Victors" was suddenly heard after the casting of each ballot.
The system had been hacked by U of M computer teachers and students, in order to demonstrate their susceptibilities.
2 Over the past decade, reports from MIT, Caltech, and Carnegie-Melon have repeatedly documented that voting machines, used in the US, are susceptible to fraud.
3-5 Civil right organizations, have likewise objected to the electronic voting machines used in the US.
6-7 LINKS: 112-04-15 2012 Presidential Election Votes Will Be Counted in Spain 2 but Is It Secret or Secure?
Read more:
Human Rights Alert 04-15 2012
Presidential election ballots will be counted in Spain
The Spanish Company , SCYTL, will count American Votes
O v e r s e a s .
In November when the Spanish online voting company SCYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election.
For SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SCYTL in January, supplies the election software, which records, counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states 900 total jurisdictions across the nation. As the largest election results reporting company in the US, SOE provides reports right down to the precinct level.
But before going anywhere else, those election returns are routed to individual, company servers where the people who run them get first look at results and the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA.
In short, this redirects results to a centralized privately held server which is not just for Ohio, but national; not just USA-based, but global. And although the votes will be cast in hometown, American precincts on Election Day, with the Barcelona-based SCYTL taking charge of the process, they will be routed and counted overseas.
SCYTL itself is a leader in internet voting technology and in 2010 was involved in modernizing election systems for the midterm election in 14 American states.
2012 US Presidential
election votes will be
counted in Spain!
Posted April 15, 2012
10 April 2012, by The Meister (It Makes Sense Blog)
Unless someone can stop this ruse – George Soros controls us completely
'Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything' : Joseph Stalin
Follow the bouncing ball on the criminal corruption ruse of your USA votes.
1.) The Obama Government has outsourced the counting of votes for the 2012 election. But since WHEN does the nation need to outsource a task as uncomplicated and straightforward as vote-counting?
2.) Obama outsourced the counting to a Tampa Florida company, named SOE, that had previously been used to administer the vote counting process for over 500 American jurisdictions.
3.) But recently, SOE software has now been sold to a company named SCYTL, owned by George Soros, headquartered in Spain.
4.) The votes will go to SCYTL, the question becomes as to WHY Must local votes for each precinct will be downloaded to SCYTL’s main server – leaving no TRACEABLE record of how many, and what votes were scored! Which of course means that said votes will be MERGED; and any discrepancies at lower levels will be IMPOSSIBLE to track.
10 April 2012, by The Meister (It Makes Sense Blog)
Unless someone can stop this ruse – George Soros controls us completely
'Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything' : Joseph Stalin
Follow the bouncing ball on the criminal corruption ruse of your USA votes.
1.) The Obama Government has outsourced the counting of votes for the 2012 election. But since WHEN does the nation need to outsource a task as uncomplicated and straightforward as vote-counting?
2.) Obama outsourced the counting to a Tampa Florida company, named SOE, that had previously been used to administer the vote counting process for over 500 American jurisdictions.
3.) But recently, SOE software has now been sold to a company named SCYTL, owned by George Soros, headquartered in Spain.
4.) The votes will go to SCYTL, the question becomes as to WHY Must local votes for each precinct will be downloaded to SCYTL’s main server – leaving no TRACEABLE record of how many, and what votes were scored! Which of course means that said votes will be MERGED; and any discrepancies at lower levels will be IMPOSSIBLE to track.
5.) But wait, it gets murkier: SCYTL is shadow owned by Pere Valles, a former CEO of Global Net; who just HAPPENS to have been a maximum level contributor to the Obama Campaign in 2008. Not surprisingly, Valles is also has contacts with Media Matters, a communication consortium owned by: George Soros.
6.) Now the bad news: according to the “Black Box” voting site, this centralizes one “middleman” access point for over 525 voting jurisdictions: (AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL, IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. – and growing).
7.) If this is allowed to stand, it means that as local election results funnel through SOE’s computers (typically before they reach the public elsewhere), those who run the main servers for SOE essentially get “first look” at results, AND the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA.
8.) This raises an unending amount of troubling questions:
a.) How can a company that is located in Spain owned by George Soros, be responsible for verifying the results of American elections? How can the integrity of the vote be guaranteed, when votes are transmitted in digital form, with NO paperwork backup to check for discrepancies?
b.) It has been questioned since the inception of the voting machine how to preclude tampering with said machines; yet no answers are forthcoming. How easily can the software that controls these devices be programmed to “count” erroneously?
c.) Even worse, with SCYTL in charge, there will be no ballots. No physical evidence. No chain of responsibility. No way for the public to authenticate who actually cast the votes, nor chain of custody, or the count.
d.)Ergo, does this not invite dishonest practices? - such as beginning the voting day with counts that were not reset to zero? Or the practice of switching, within the software, votes from one candidate to another?
e.)Will Harry Reid’s re-election in Nevada serve as a template for Barack Obama in 2012?
f.) Worst of all, why would we want to outsource a job, that goes to the very core of our constitutional process, to an outside organization? Because that’s how the democrats want it – having no other possible means to win.
g.) Which of course explains why Dems fight voter ID laws - because that would be mark the beginning of the end of voter fraud. The other end being some kind of auditing of all electronic voting machines.
Face it fellow citizens: the Motor Voter Law, and the electronic voting machine are turning America into a banana republic; while we act like helpless little bunnies; as the Left literally continues to steal elections – right beneath our quivering little noses.
So do we sit by idly? – or take action. Pick up the phone. Write a letter. Send a fax to your local Congressperson or Senator. (NOTE: do not send e-mails; they are not considered legitimate, because of spammers).
In your communication, demand action, by raising questions:
Did the FEC (Federal Elections Commission) approve of this SCYTL intrusion?
Does the Congress of the United States approve of this; or do they even know about it?
Was this done by an Executive Order from the White House?
Is this the final step in Obama’s rigging of the 2012 election, and the formation of a global government? Why is the AP not covering this ? Why is Fox news not covering this ? What we have now have is a Socialist CEO - running the nation’s voting and election counts.
Talk about a UN / Marxist / Communist dream come true!
And does this NOT explain why President Obama is so sure of being reelected? - as he speaks of his reelection as if it were in the present. This includes his conversation with the President of Russia, which was recorded on a hot microphone. Who in Washington authorized a global software company - owned by a Spanish Socialist - to be put in charge of counting our votes? Why is a company based in Spain (who counts votes in Athens, Greece) now teaming up with the Commonwealth of Virginia to count the overseas ballots of our military members? Who in the Dept. of Defense and the FEC (and the Congress) approved this? Or of course, we could do nothing, and watch our republic be literally be pulled out beneath us; just because we were not paying attention – counting on our corrupt, Obama-driven mainstream media to keep us apprised.
As Thomas Jefferson often warned: (quote)…”The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”
Be forewarned America: This election is the last PEACEFUL opportunity we’ll have to change the future.
Tyranny is at hand
6.) Now the bad news: according to the “Black Box” voting site, this centralizes one “middleman” access point for over 525 voting jurisdictions: (AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL, IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. – and growing).
7.) If this is allowed to stand, it means that as local election results funnel through SOE’s computers (typically before they reach the public elsewhere), those who run the main servers for SOE essentially get “first look” at results, AND the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA.
8.) This raises an unending amount of troubling questions:
a.) How can a company that is located in Spain owned by George Soros, be responsible for verifying the results of American elections? How can the integrity of the vote be guaranteed, when votes are transmitted in digital form, with NO paperwork backup to check for discrepancies?
b.) It has been questioned since the inception of the voting machine how to preclude tampering with said machines; yet no answers are forthcoming. How easily can the software that controls these devices be programmed to “count” erroneously?
c.) Even worse, with SCYTL in charge, there will be no ballots. No physical evidence. No chain of responsibility. No way for the public to authenticate who actually cast the votes, nor chain of custody, or the count.
d.)Ergo, does this not invite dishonest practices? - such as beginning the voting day with counts that were not reset to zero? Or the practice of switching, within the software, votes from one candidate to another?
e.)Will Harry Reid’s re-election in Nevada serve as a template for Barack Obama in 2012?
f.) Worst of all, why would we want to outsource a job, that goes to the very core of our constitutional process, to an outside organization? Because that’s how the democrats want it – having no other possible means to win.
g.) Which of course explains why Dems fight voter ID laws - because that would be mark the beginning of the end of voter fraud. The other end being some kind of auditing of all electronic voting machines.
Face it fellow citizens: the Motor Voter Law, and the electronic voting machine are turning America into a banana republic; while we act like helpless little bunnies; as the Left literally continues to steal elections – right beneath our quivering little noses.
So do we sit by idly? – or take action. Pick up the phone. Write a letter. Send a fax to your local Congressperson or Senator. (NOTE: do not send e-mails; they are not considered legitimate, because of spammers).
In your communication, demand action, by raising questions:
Did the FEC (Federal Elections Commission) approve of this SCYTL intrusion?
Does the Congress of the United States approve of this; or do they even know about it?
Was this done by an Executive Order from the White House?
Is this the final step in Obama’s rigging of the 2012 election, and the formation of a global government? Why is the AP not covering this ? Why is Fox news not covering this ? What we have now have is a Socialist CEO - running the nation’s voting and election counts.
Talk about a UN / Marxist / Communist dream come true!
And does this NOT explain why President Obama is so sure of being reelected? - as he speaks of his reelection as if it were in the present. This includes his conversation with the President of Russia, which was recorded on a hot microphone. Who in Washington authorized a global software company - owned by a Spanish Socialist - to be put in charge of counting our votes? Why is a company based in Spain (who counts votes in Athens, Greece) now teaming up with the Commonwealth of Virginia to count the overseas ballots of our military members? Who in the Dept. of Defense and the FEC (and the Congress) approved this? Or of course, we could do nothing, and watch our republic be literally be pulled out beneath us; just because we were not paying attention – counting on our corrupt, Obama-driven mainstream media to keep us apprised.
As Thomas Jefferson often warned: (quote)…”The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”
Be forewarned America: This election is the last PEACEFUL opportunity we’ll have to change the future.
Tyranny is at hand
Date: Wednesday - April 11, 2012 19:19
In Response To: The results for the election will be tabulated electronically by SKYTL in Spain! (JITB)
When the Spanish, online voting company SKYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election. For SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SKYTL in January supplies the election software which records, counts and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states–900 total jurisdictions–across the nation.
As the largest election results reporting company in the US, SOE provides reports right down to the precinct level. But before going anywhere else, those election returns are routed to individual, company servers where the people who run them “…get ‘first look’ at results and the ability to immediately and privately examine vote details throughout the USA.” In short, “this redirects results …to a centralized privately held server which is not just for Ohio, but national; not just USA-based, but global.” (1)
And although the votes will be cast in hometown, American precincts on election day, with the Barcelona-based SKYTL taking charge of the process, they will be routed and counted overseas.
SKYTL itself is a leader in internet voting technology and in 2010 was involved in modernizing election systems for the midterm election in 14 American states.
But although SKYTL’s self-proclaimed reputation for security had won the company the Congressionally approved task of handling internet voting for American citizens and members of the military overseas, upon opening the system for use in the District of Columbia, the University of Michigan fight song “The Victors” was suddenly heard after the casting of each ballot. The system had been hacked by U of M computer teachers and students in response to a challenge by SKYTL that anyone who wished to do so, might try! (2)
Nevertheless, in spite of warnings by experts across the nation, American soldiers overseas will once again vote via the internet in 2012. And because SKYTL will control the method of voting and—thanks to the purchase of SOE–the method of counting the votes as well, there “…will be no ballots, no physical evidence, no way for the public to authenticate who actually cast the votes…or the count.” (1)
The American advocacy group Project Vote has concluded that SKYTL’s internet voting system is vulnerable to attack from the outside AND the inside, a situation which could result in “…an election that does not accurately reflect the will of the voters…” (3) Talk about having a flair for understatement!
It has also been claimed that SKYTL CEO Pere Valles is a socialist who donated heavily to the 2008 Obama campaign and lived in Chicago during Obama’s time as Illinois State Senator. Unfortunately, given what is known about the character of Barack Obama, such rumors must be taken as serious threats to the integrity of the 2012 vote and the legitimate outcome of the election.
Though much has been written about the threat of nationwide voting by illegals in November, it is still true that most election fraud is an “inside” job. And there now exists a purely electronic voting service which uses no physical ballots to which an electronic count can be matched should questions arise. Add to this the fact that the same company will have “first count” on all votes made in 14 US states and hundreds of jurisdictions in 12 others and the stage is set for election fraud on a scale unimaginable just a decade ago.
Perhaps Obama had reason for supreme confidence when he said “After my election” rather than “in case of” to Russian President Medvedev.
Isn't it treasonous for Obama
to outsource vote counting to
Soros's company in Spain?
“GEORGE SOROS WILL CONTROL YOUR VOTES IN THE UP COMING PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION — Follow the bouncing ball on the criminal corruption ruse of your USA votes.
1.) The Obama Government has outsourced the counting of votes for the 2012 election. But since WHEN does the nation need to outsource a task as uncomplicated and straightforward as vote-counting?
2.) Obama outsourced the counting to a Tampa Florida company, named SOE, that had previously been used to administer the vote counting process for over 500 American jurisdictions.
3.) But recently, SOE software has now been sold to a company named SCYTL, owned by George Soros, headquartered in Spain.
4.) The votes will go to SCYTL, the question becomes as to WHY Must local votes for each precinct will be downloaded to SCYTL’s main server – leaving no TRACEABLE record of how many, and what votes were scored! Which of course means that said votes will be MERGED; and any discrepancies at lower levels will be IMPOSSIBLE to track.
5.) But wait, it gets murkier: SCYTL is shadow owned by Pere Valles, a former CEO of Global Net; who just HAPPENS to have been a maximum level contributor to the Obama Campaign in 2008. Not surprisingly, Valles is also has contacts with Media Matters, a communication consortium owned by: George Soros.
6.) Now the bad news: according to the “Black Box” voting site, this centralizes one “middleman” access point for over 525 voting jurisdictions: (AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL, IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. – and growing).”
“When the Spanish online voting company SCYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election. For SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SCYTL in January, supplies the election software which records, counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states–900 total jurisdictions–across the nation. …”
1.) The Obama Government has outsourced the counting of votes for the 2012 election. But since WHEN does the nation need to outsource a task as uncomplicated and straightforward as vote-counting?
2.) Obama outsourced the counting to a Tampa Florida company, named SOE, that had previously been used to administer the vote counting process for over 500 American jurisdictions.
3.) But recently, SOE software has now been sold to a company named SCYTL, owned by George Soros, headquartered in Spain.
4.) The votes will go to SCYTL, the question becomes as to WHY Must local votes for each precinct will be downloaded to SCYTL’s main server – leaving no TRACEABLE record of how many, and what votes were scored! Which of course means that said votes will be MERGED; and any discrepancies at lower levels will be IMPOSSIBLE to track.
5.) But wait, it gets murkier: SCYTL is shadow owned by Pere Valles, a former CEO of Global Net; who just HAPPENS to have been a maximum level contributor to the Obama Campaign in 2008. Not surprisingly, Valles is also has contacts with Media Matters, a communication consortium owned by: George Soros.
6.) Now the bad news: according to the “Black Box” voting site, this centralizes one “middleman” access point for over 525 voting jurisdictions: (AL, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, KY, MI, KS, IL, IN, NC, NM, MN, NY, SC, TX, UT, WA. – and growing).”
“When the Spanish online voting company SCYTL bought the largest vote processing corporation in the United States, it also acquired the means of manufacturing the outcome of the 2012 election. For SOE, the Tampa based corporation purchased by SCYTL in January, supplies the election software which records, counts, and reports the votes of Americans in 26 states–900 total jurisdictions–across the nation. …”
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